Thursday, April 29, 2004


Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Daily Ruminations--Wednesday

Went to the batting cages. I couldn't stand sitting around and waiting for the call from Danny and Kelly (21st Century Dems). I figured I'd relax by going to the batting cages. This has become something of a habit over the past few days. Settled into the VERY FAST cage (apparently, I'm told it's 72mph...not so very fast, really). Started to crank through tokens. Then I look down at my right wrist it's bright red. It's painted with blood from the wound I've opened on my left thumb. I'm bleeding through the batting glove.
Still have another three tokens, so I pound out a few more and go home.

Job stuff
Turns out that the interview with 21st Century Dems is rescheduled for tomorrow at 1:00 PM EST. The 2nd job is a training thing. I'd be training grassroots leaders. Working for 21stCDems. Yeah, so that sounds great...

Phone ringing.....

Call was from Colorado State Senate folks. Tomorrow I'm going to be talking with one of the top two targeted guys running there. Even district, open seat. Revered state rep, stepping up to run for Senate. He is a 35 yr veteran of the public schools. Has a school named for him. Up in Ft. Collins. Yikes. Sounds pretty great. The plot thickens to a paste.

Phone Rings Again
Wisconsin. Managing top targeted state senate race. La Crosse. Would be helping other managers with their plans. Want me to drive to Madison to meet with Senator Erpenbach. Jeez.

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

enttaeuschtfreude= disappointed joy.

I don't feel schadenfreude (malice+joy), I don't know that I take joy in others sorrow. But I sometimes take joy in things that disappoint me (and and reward others). I think I'm in that place right now. But it could be about the most surreal job search story yet. Stay tuned.

Basic updates on the job front:

1. Had an interview with SEIU. Went well. Research position. Pays well. Would be working in DC. Three person interview. One woman seemed to dislike me, the other two were more cordial.

2. Had interview with Democratic Senate Campaign Fund (CO). Interviewed by Australian guy who runs the joint. Sounds interesting. Would be managing one of 6 highly targeted state senate races in Colorado (decent pay). They (Colorado Dems) only need to pick up one more seat to regain control of the State Senate. Should talk to them today (Tuesday).

3. Will have interview with 21st Century Dems on Wednesday. Amorphous job. Not sure what to expect. Sounds like a mix of communications, tech, online organizing. All kinds of nifty things. DC

4. Just got a call, and will be formally interviewed on Wednesday for a position managing the top targeted State Senate race in Wisconsin. In La Crosse. Home to Ann's parents. Having visited several times while we were dating, I really like La X. It's nice.

5. May have an interview stocking shelves for Office Max in Texarkansas.

When I was a senior in college I was walking into the dining hall and saw a giant chalking glaring up at me from the sidewalk. In boldly drawn letters it said "Extra Vaganza" It's unclear if the additional spacing was intentional or not. But I for one truly believe we could all use some extra vaganza from time to time.

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